No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China 200070
Objective: Financial external auditor
Emory University
Goizueta Business School
Bachelor of Business Administration
Atlanta, Georgia
May 2011
MBA Institute
Paris, France
Fall 2009
Double Concentrations in Finance & Accounting
Goizueta Business School GPA: 4.00
Alex Bay Rental Properties / ConTech Building Systems
Gouverneur, NY
Developed and implemented a new business plan for the day to day and long-term management of 5+ residential and commercial lease properties
Created a QuickBooks accounting system, drafted new lease agreements, created filing systems and a client database, and drafted promotional and communication materials to be used with clients
Assisted project managers to develop bid proposals for commercial construction projects ranging from $100,000 to $5MM+ by soliciting quotes for subcontract work and managing flow of information to and from third parties
FiberUtilities Group LLC
Cedar Rapids, IA
Managed complete overhaul of FiberUtilities.com website, which included redefining target audience to C-level executives, crafting new tailored content and message, and working with a web design firm to redesign visual presentation of the website
Developed new strategy, focused on co-investing alongside local businesses, to allow not-for-profit customers in the healthcare and municipal government sectors to finance large capital expenditures on private communication networks
Riccolo & Semelroth, P.C.
Cedar Rapids, IA
Created 7 bi-monthly firm newsletters comprised of 60+ articles concerning legal issues pertinent to clients
Drafted and distributed survey to 200+ potential clients in order to improve firm marketing strategies and materials
Williams Grand Prix Engineering Ltd.
Grove, Oxfordshire, U.K.
Sponsorship Acquisitions Intern
July 2006
Compiled information on all corporate sponsors present in Formula 1 for the 2006 season, including profiles, contract details, and non-financial partnership contributions, totaling over $2.5B annually
Drafted presentation materials for targeted sponsors, specifically the ExecuJet Aviation Group and Grob Aerospace, and assisted in their presentation and delivery
Horizon Marine
Alexandria Bay, NY
Dock Master, Assistant Store Manager
Summer 2005, 2007; July 2008
Managed gas dock, yacht club, and marine store services on a day to day basis with up to three other team members
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, President
Spring 2010-Fall 2010
Emory Mock Trial, Attorney, Witness
GBS Hedge Fund Case Competition, 1stPlace
Fall 2008-Spring 2009
ATO Regional Leadership Conference
Fall 2008
Intramural Soccer
Spring 2008
Raised $2600 for Leukemia Research
Fall 2008
San Antonio Marathon (3’57”)
Fall 2008
Additional Skills: Proficient in written and spoken French; Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint; Factiva, LexisNexis
Interests: Investing, Distance Running, Water Sports, Skiing, Formula 1 Racing, Traveling
普通回答: 我觉得压力最大的时候是我要同时做好几件事情的时候, 比如说, 快要期末考试的时候要组织大型的活动, 这个时候我的压力特别大。
点评: 这的确是个很真实的回答, 可是, 仔细思考一下, 如果你申请的是一家知名公司的某个职位, 那么你必须具备一种能力: deal with several things at one time! 也就是说, 要具备同时处理几件事情的能力!所以, 申请人在表达有关自己的负面信息的时候, 要格外谨慎小心。
回答示范1: 我觉得压力最大的时候是刚刚接受一个任务或者是刚刚给自己制订了一个大目标的时候。之所以这样, 是因为我的一个习惯, 就是那句谚语, Well begun is half done. 所以, 任务开始的时候, 我会逼着自己做尽可能完整的计划, 并且尽可能把各项工作都提前做。比方说, 参加一个比赛的时候, 我会在刚一确定参加比赛的那个阶段拼命准备, 找资料, 提前很长时间就模拟练习。这样的话, 越到最后我反而越放松。
点评1: 这个回答很容易让我们相信: 这是个一有任务就会立刻行动起来的家伙!如果你是他的老板, 根本不用担心他会把工作拖到最后一刻!
回答示范2: 我压力最大的时候, 是大家都特别依赖我、 信任我的时候, 我特别不想让大家失望。比如说, 我们在班级里面经常要做小组讨论, 在自由分组的时候, 别的同学总是特别愿意和我一组, 因为大家都认同我分析问题的能力比较强。有的时候我会非常自信, 因为讨论的问题刚好是我所熟悉的。但是, 当遇到陌生话题的时候, 我就会感到很大的压力。
点评2: 这个回答绝妙之处在于, 除了回答了面试官员的问题, 还以事实不动声色地夸奖了自己: 分析问题能力强、 受到同学们的信赖、 善于协调团队作业!