发布时间:2017-02-11 来源:简历模板

No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China 200070
(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx
Information technology internship contributing my computer systems andcritical thinking skills
3 years experience in computer lab and network administration
Demonstrated customer service experience in various settings
Work well independently and in team projects
Japanese: fluent reading and listening; basic conver sa tional skills
Computer Skills:Proficient in C/C++, HTML, XML, Microsoft Office,MAC OS, LAN, web design (
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
BS in Informatics
GPA: 3.5/4.0
expected June 2015
Study of information systems and technology with a human-centered approach
Related Coursework:Informatics Fundamentals, Database Management, Information Retrieval, In for mation Systems Analysis and Design, Research in Informatics, Com puter Networks, Distributed Applications
Study Abroad: Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Spring 2010 - Winter 2011
Computer Lab Assistant
January 2011 - present
Provide instructional assistance in an ultra-modern computer lab
LAN installation and maintenance using Microsoft NT
Computer Network Volunteer
January 2005 - June 2007
Early Scholars Outreach Program, Seattle, WA
Monitored school performance of students from inner-city schools
Planned motivational activities for students
Designed and led workshops for parents of students
Member, Hall Government Committee
September 2011 - June 2012
Crescent High School, Crescent, WA
Worked with administration to help design and maintain school’s computer network
Aided teachers and students on proper use of computers
Saved school $10,000 and increased teacher/student use by over 50%
Customer Service Specialist, CompUSA, Seattle, WA
Summer 2011
Shift Leader, Video Update, Seattle, WA
May 2008 - June 2009
Waiter, Family Kitchen, Bothell, WA
Summer 2007
Member, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, University of Washington
2011 - present
ASUW Crime Prevention Committee, UW
2008 - 2010
Varsity Football Team, East Japan Conference Champions, Keio University
Valedictorian, Crescent High School
面试中在与对方交谈时,还要警惕一个很容易破坏语言意境的现象,比如过分使用语气词、口头语。老是用“那么”,“就是说”、“嗯”等引起下文,或者,在英语的表达中使用太多的“well”,“and”,“youknow”“OK”及故作姿态的“yeah”等,不仅有碍于人们的连贯理解,还容易引人生厌。据笔者了解,在面试中夹杂英语,眼下已经成为一种时髦,有不少求职者有意使用这种“中英混合”的语言,以表明自己的英语水平。这种自以为聪明的做法,很可能弄巧成拙。有不少外资企业的人力资源部经理对这种语言方法颇有反感,他们认为这是语言水平不高的表现之一,如果你的中文或英文水平高,完全可以用一种语言来表达自己的意思,为什么要用这种? 不类的语言来表达呢?