
发布时间:2016-11-25 来源:情书



to: sunshine ~ from: panda bear

dear sunshine,

i have never in my life met someone more beautiful, enjoyable, loving, and comforting as you. since the very first day that you smiled at me i knew there was something very special about you. i had no idea then that i would fall in love, but now that i have, i am so grateful. i am grateful for us to have wandered into one another's world so softly and unexpectedly. nature took its course on our hearts and joined them in a way never imaginable.

i want you to know, that from the very depths of my heart, i love you. and i love everything that creates you, from your hair - that i wish i could play in more often... to your forehead - that i wish i could kiss while you sleep; from your eyes - that sparkle when you smile (just for me)... to your nose - that i wish i could rub my nose against; from your lips - that i just know were made perfectly to fit against mine... to your chin - that i would love to place my finger under to pull you close for a kiss; down your neck and to your heart - that in my own, i claim as mine, and down past every inch of every part of your existence.

i wish more than anything that you and i could grow together, love together, learn together, and laugh together, forever. i sincerely feel that between the two of us, we have the kind of love that some people never get a chance to experience. i promise to love you as much as i can, as best as i can, and for as long as i can. and no matter what, it's very important to me for you to know that you are an irreplaceable spirit that will always be a part of me.

love always,

your almost perfect love



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