
发布时间:2019-05-10 来源:演讲稿


  Someone said as a soldier might regret it for three years, but not as a soldier you would penitence lifetime, as has chosen the I's life today, gangnan can proudly say: choose special hillock maybe you will be hard for three years, but if you give up, you really miss hillock, DuanQingChun value a real-life experience.

  Someone says, dedication is a freshness, coming softly; Dedication is a prolongs carol spread through the shenzhou; But I think, dedication, is also a seed, for the land and growing need of it. To the countryside, went to the motherland places where they are needed most, maybe a lot of people think this word is obsolete, but for a need love and dedication of education industry speaking, this sentence is never falling stars, because education work also need large rural dedicated to bear them, to promote -- so, I heard the distant of lang lang ShuSheng children in distant call, saw children lovely eyes in anticipation. I came, my fortitude. Farthest, most partial, the worst the three most scare me, here of hard, will only add to the education I a responsibility, I will in this broad land realize their life values - because there's children need me.

  I never believe that no experience is not real, I want to know my children, I want to make friends with them, and so I must be approached them, summer we walk in anti-seeping, winter we walk in the snow, in a year in my footstep in rice good many corners, we came to row door, rice benign or bellagio, seems benevolence four village experience life is understanding their living conditions, I see the children's octylic acid or understand their late reasons, found their homework large blank real answers. They are social disadvantaged groups, there is no parents in the side left-behind children, but they are strong , they are after 1990s after the 00 board, all this and let me read them.


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