
发布时间:2019-11-07 来源:演讲稿




  由于公共演讲一般受众为数十人甚至数百、数千人,再加上演讲环境的不确定性(比如:观众的欢呼,或者抱怨),最好在进入主题后马上给出所讲内容的逻辑框架,以便听众更好的预判整个演讲内容,有利于他们更好地跟随演讲者的思路,达到良好的演讲效果。比如,乔布斯在该次演讲中,开篇稍微寒暄开篇之后,就进入正题,“today i want to tell you three stories from my life. that’s it. no big deal. just three stories.”学生们马上能做出逻辑预判,我们今天会听到乔布斯谈三点,然后具体关注是哪三点,这种演讲就具备了“audience-centeredness”(以观众为中心)的特质。乔布斯在随后的演讲中明确提到,“the first story is about connecting the dots. my second story is about love and loss. my third story is about death.”由于这种明晰的思路,听众在听完之后也会记忆犹新,不会觉得头脑混乱,毫无所得。

  当然,演讲稿的逻辑安排有多种方式,乔布斯的这篇演讲是按照topical order(话题顺序)和chronological order(时间顺序)来安排的。除此之外, 还有spatial order(空间顺序), problem-solution order(提问解决顺序)等等。大家可以根据不同的演讲内容来安排自己演讲稿的逻辑顺序和结构。



  开篇的目的是要吸引听众,乔布斯在该篇演讲稿中使用的是“relate the topic to the audience”(关联话题与听众)的方式,这是一种比较有效的方法,人们一般对自己的事情都很关注,和自己相关的事情也会格外留意,乔布斯在开篇说到,“i am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. i never graduated from college. truth be told, i never graduated from college. this is the closest i’ve ever gotten to a college graduation.”高度赞美斯坦福大学是最好的大学之一,就是在与听众发生关联,让大家产生好感,当然乔布斯还用了适当的幽默,更好地融洽了与听众的关系,“简洁、有效”本就是乔布斯的演讲风格。除此之外,还有其他的一些开篇方式,我们也需要了解和掌握。

  1.state the importance of your topic(指出演讲话题的重要性)。直接告诉听众,你的演讲重要在哪里。比如:今天要做的是一场“英语演讲的艺术”的演讲,那开始就直接指出,该演讲对于大家今后的学习工作将会有重大的帮助,甚至给出一些数据和实例,让听众明白不听这个演讲将会是自己的损失。这样,听众就会很乐意投入到该次演讲中去。

  2.startle the audience(使听众震惊)。例如:要做一场关于“生活方式与疾病”的演讲,开篇就可以给出一组极具冲击力的数据,让听众看到生活方式的不健康将会是多么可怕的事情,这样的震惊使听众能够快速调整状态,投入到听演讲中去。

  3.arouse the curiosity of the audience(引起听众的好奇心)

  4.question the audience(向观众提问)。

  5.begin with a quotation(以引用开篇)。

  6.tell a story(以故事开篇)。


  结尾往往可以起到“画龙点睛”的作用,开篇正文再好,如果结尾过于平淡,整个演讲的精彩程度都会大打折扣。那么如何做到“结尾有道”呢?首先,我们来看看乔布斯的这篇演讲稿,他的结尾比开篇更加出彩,采用的是“end with a quotation”,达到的效果是特别引人深思。他在结尾说道,“stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words: “stay hungry. stay foolish.” it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you. stay hungry. stay foolish.”他不仅在结尾引用这句“stay hungry. stay foolish”,而且重复三遍,强化听众的印象,这句话也被广泛传播,被誉为该篇演讲的“精髓”。

  在结尾时,可以用结束信号词让听众明白你要准备结尾了,不要让演讲结束得太突兀,比如,“in conclusion”, “let me end my speech by saying…”, “i’d like to close my speech this way.”等。具体的结尾方式很多,常见的有:

  1.summarize your speech(总结演讲)。

  2.make a dramatic statement(强有力的陈述),这个不同于引用他人之言,往往是演讲者自己的沉淀和呐喊,非常经典的演讲是patrick henry’s legendary “liberty or death” oration. 他在结尾时说道,”is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? forbid it, almighty god! i know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.”

  3.refer to the introduction(首尾呼应)。这是体现演讲内在统一的很经典的形式,值得借鉴。



  乔布斯在斯坦福大学的毕业演讲中,逻辑要点有三:1. the first story is about connecting the dots. 2. my second story is about love and loss. 3. my third story is about death. 他在阐释中主要运用了以下手段。

  首先,举例子。文中用了大量的例子来说明他怎么对待学习、工作和死亡,比如他说起自己决定辍学然后旁听有意思的课程,这些课当时对他没什么实质的帮助,但是十年后在当他设计第一款macintosh 电脑的时候,这些东西全派上了用场,这个例子充分说明了他要讲的第一个要点,串起生命中的点滴。在随后的文中,乔布斯大量地讲述了他事业生活中的例子,让听众感受到真实的力量和鼓舞。

  其次,引用。他除了在文章最后用到了引用,文中也不乏引用的痕迹,比如在讲到死亡时,他引用了一句格言,“if you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.”这句话能表明他对于死亡的态度。恰到好处的引用往往能使听众印象深刻。

  第三.数据。在讲第二个故事——关于爱和失去时,乔布斯用到了一系列数据来支撑观点。他说自己是幸运的,因为,“ i started apple in my parents garage when i was 20. we worked hard, and in 10 years apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. we had just released our finest creation-the macintosh -a year earlier, and i had just turned 30.”数据很直观,能让听众有直接的认识和理解。



  1.多看。多看一些演讲素材,比如名人演讲,演讲比赛优秀选手的演讲等,积累大量的一手素材,当然也有必要阅读关于英语公共演讲的书籍,本人非常推荐stephen e. lucas的《演讲的艺术》。















  由于公共演讲一般受众为数十人甚至数百、数千人,再加上演讲环境的不确定性(比如:观众的欢呼,或者抱怨),最好在进入主题后马上给出所讲内容的逻辑框架,以便听众更好的预判整个演讲内容,有利于他们更好地跟随演讲者的思路,达到良好的演讲效果。比如,乔布斯在该次演讲中,开篇稍微寒暄开篇之后,就进入正题,“today i want to tell you three stories from my life. that's it. no big deal. just three stories.”学生们马上能做出逻辑预判,我们今天会听到乔布斯谈三点,然后具体关注是哪三点,这种演讲就具备了“audience-centeredness”(以观众为中心)的特质。乔布斯在随后的演讲中明确提到,“the first story is about connecting the dots. my second story is about love and loss. my third story is about death.”由于这种明晰的思路,听众在听完之后也会记忆犹新,不会觉得头脑混乱,毫无所得。

  当然,演讲稿的逻辑安排有多种方式,乔布斯的这篇演讲是按照topical order(话题顺序)和chronological order(时间顺序)来安排的。除此之外, 还有 spatial order(空间顺序), problem-solutution order(提问解决顺序)等等。大家可以根据不同的演讲内容来安排自己演讲稿的逻辑顺序和结构。



  开篇的目的是要吸引听众,乔布斯在该篇演讲稿中使用的是“relate the topic to the audience"(关联话题与听众)的方式,这是一种比较有效的方法,人们一般对自己的事情都很关注,和自己相关的事情也会格外留意,乔布斯在开篇说到,“i am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. i never graduated from college. truth be told, i never graduated from college. this is the closest i've ever gotten to a college graduation.”高度赞美斯坦福大学是最好的大学之一,就是在与听众发生关联,让大家产生好感,当然老乔还用了适当的幽默,更好地融洽了与听众的关系,“简洁、有效”本就是乔布斯的演讲风格。除此之外,还有其他的一些开篇方式,我们也需要了解和掌握。 1. state the importance of your topic(指出演讲话题的重要性)。直接告诉听众,你的演讲重要在哪里。比如:今天要做的是一场“英语演讲的艺术”的演讲,那开始就直接指出,该演讲对于大家今后的学习工作将会有重大的帮助,甚至给出一些数据和实例,让听众明白不听这个演讲将会是我的损失。这样,听众就会很乐意投入到该次演讲中去。2. startle the audience (使听众震惊)。例如:要做一场关于“生活方式与疾病”的演讲,开篇就可以给出一组极具冲击力的数据,让听众看到生活方式的不健康将会是多么可怕的事情,这样的震惊使听众能够快速调整状态,投入到听演讲中去。3. arouse the curiosity of the audience(引起听众的好奇心)4. question the audience(向观众提问)。5. begin with a quotation(以引用开篇)。6. tell a story (以故事开篇)。这些基本开篇的方式被无数的演讲证明是实用而且有效的。

  结尾往往可以起到“画龙点睛”的作用,开篇正文再好,如果结尾过于平淡,整个演讲的精彩程度都会大打折扣。那么如何做到“结尾有道”呢?首先,我们来看看乔布斯的这篇演讲稿,他的结尾比开篇更加出彩,采用的是“end with a quotation”,达到的效果是特别引人深思。他在结尾说道,“stewart and his team put out several issues of the whole earth catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. it was the mid-1970s, and i was your age. on the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitch hiking on if you were so adventurous. beneath it were the words: "stay hungry. stay foolish." it was their farewell message as they signed off. stay hungry. stay foolish. and i have always wished that for myself. and now, as you graduate to begin anew, i wish that for you. stay hungry. stay foolish.”他不仅在结尾引用这句“stay hungry. stay foolish”(求知若渴,虚怀若谷),而且重复三遍,强化听众的印象,这句话也被广泛传播,被誉为该篇演讲的“精髓”。

  在结尾时,可以用结束信号词让听众明白你要准备结尾了,不要让演讲结束得太突兀,比如,“in conclusion", "let me end my speech by saying...", "i'd like to close my speech this way."等。具体的结尾方式很多,常见的有:1. summarize your speech(总结演讲)。2. make a dramatic statement(强有力的陈述),这个不同于引用他人之言,往往是演讲者自己的沉淀和呐喊,非常经典的演讲是patrick henry's legendary "liberty or death" oration. 他在结尾时说道,"is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? forbid it, almighty god! i know not what course others may take; but as for mw, give me liberty, or give me death." 3. refer to the introduction(首尾呼应)。这是体现演讲内在统一的很经典的形式,值得借鉴。


  毫无疑问,主体段的信息量最大,写作量也是最大,如何更清晰地阐释演讲者的观点,有效支撑分论点,是写作时应该把握的关键。在明晰了写作逻辑之后,就要围绕这些逻辑要点来展开论证。乔布斯在斯坦福大学的毕业演讲中,逻辑要点有三:1. the first story is about connecting the dots.  2. my second story is about love and loss. 3. my third story is about death. 他在阐释中主要运用了以下手段。首先,举例子。文中用了大量的例子来说明他怎么对待学习、工作和死亡,比如他说起自己决定辍学然后旁听有意思的课程,这些课当时对他没什么实质的帮助,但是十年后在当他设计第一款macintosh 电脑的时候,这些东西全派上了用场,这个例子充分说明了他要讲的第一个要点-- 串起生命中的点滴。在随后的文中,乔布斯大量地讲述了他事业生活中的例子,让听众感受到真实的力量和鼓舞。其次,引用。他除了在文章最后用到了引用,文中也不乏引用的痕迹,比如在讲到死亡时,他引用了一句格言,“if you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right.”这句话能表明他对于死亡的态度。恰到好处的引用往往能使听众印象深刻。第三,数据。在讲第二个故事--关于爱和失去时,乔布斯用到了一系列数据来支撑观点。他说自己是幸运的,因为,“woz and i started apple in my parents garage when i was 20. we worked hard, and in 10 years apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. we had just released our finest creation — the macintosh — a year earlier, and i had just turned 30.”数据很直观,能让听众有直接的认识和理解。


  如何才能更加有效掌握这些演讲写作的要点呢?我有三点建议:1.多看。多看一些演讲素材,比如名人演讲,演讲比赛优秀选手的演讲等,积累大量的一手素材,当然也有必要阅读关于英语公共演讲的书籍,本人非常推荐stephen e. lucas的《演讲的艺术》。2.多想。学会分析这些演讲之所以精彩的原因,可以从我上面讲的几点入手。3.多练。在有一定积淀和感觉之后,就要大量练习写作演讲稿,话题可以从日常学习和工作中选取,实用性要强,这样练起来更有兴趣和成就感。最后,大家要明白一点,好的公共演讲除了演讲稿要好,还有别的很多因素绝不可忽视,比如:语言质量,肢体语言,视觉辅助,语音语调,临场反应,现场把控能力等,这些结合在一起才能最终让你成为一个优秀的公共演讲者。




  change the ingredients of your life

  this is a glass of water, tasteless, right? however if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter. the same is true with our life____ the flavor is created by our choices.

  if kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy. if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.

  so my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. if don’t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients. three year ago, i weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarrassment and frustration in my life. like always failing my p.e examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public. it was my grandmother’s encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to become confident in myself. she said “ my dear, if you can’t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style. so i began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking. by choosing to change my outlook on life, i developed the confidence to make a difference and finally i found a totally new world. so my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges. and hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.

  my definition of success

  today i am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. what is success? it is what everyone is longing for.sometimes success would be rather simple. winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now i am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success.

  however, as a person’s whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. is fortune success? is fame success? is high social status success? no, i don’t think so. i believe success is the realization of people’s hopes and ideals.nowadays, in the modern society there are many people

  who are regarded as the successful. and the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life. so most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. but the problem is wether it is real success. we all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. if we keep chasing them, where is the end? what will satisfy us at last? therefore, we can see, to get the real success we must need something inside, which is the realization of people’ hopes and ideals.

  different people have different ideas about success; cause people’s hopes and ideas vary from one another. but i am sure every success is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, cause in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility. these are the best treasures. so now i am very proud that i have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you. it is my success, cause i raise up to challenge my hope.

  what is success? everyone has his own interpretation as i do. but i am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. so ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life!

  wish you all good success!


祝福语 演讲稿 自我介绍 主持词 欢迎词 导游词 贺词 发言稿 口号 广播稿 答谢词 演讲稿格式竞聘演讲稿竞选班长演讲稿师德师风演讲稿演讲稿大全英语演讲稿演讲稿怎么写演讲稿作文祖国在我心中演讲稿爱岗敬业演讲稿演讲稿范文我的梦想演讲稿班长竞选演讲稿我有一个梦想演讲稿英文演讲稿竞选演讲稿自我介绍演讲稿开学演讲稿励志演讲稿爱国演讲稿教师演讲稿三分钟演讲稿师德演讲稿安全演讲稿