
发布时间:2020-01-23 来源:演讲稿

  有在1970年代(和之后的几十年里),Norman 用情景喜剧触动了数百万人的生活,比如《全家福》,《杰弗逊一家》等。在和Eric亲切的谈话中,他谦逊幽默地分享了他早年和「人性愚蠢面」的关系是如何造就了他的人生和创意的愿景。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:一个娱乐界偶像充满意义的一生,欢迎借鉴参考。



  演说者:Norman Lear


  Eric Hirshberg: So I assume that Norman doesn't need much of an introduction, but TED's audience is global, it's diverse, so I've been tasked with starting with his bio, which could easily take up the entire 18 minutes. So instead we're going to do 93 years in 93 seconds or less.

  You were born in New Hampshire.

  Norman Lear: New Haven, Connecticut.

  EH: New Haven, Connecticut.

  NL: There goes seven more seconds.

  EH: Nailed it.

  You were born in New Haven, Connecticut. Your father was a con man -- I got that right. He was taken away to prison when you were nine years old. You flew 52 missions as a fighter pilot in World War II. You came back to --

  NL: Radio operator.

  EH: You came to LA to break into Hollywood, first in publicity, then in TV. You had no training as a writer, formally, but you hustled your way in. Your breakthrough, your debut, was a little show called "All in the Family." You followed that up with a string of hits that to this day is unmatched in Hollywood: "Sanford and Son," "Maude," "Good Times," "The Jeffersons," "One Day at a Time," "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman," to name literally a fraction of them. Not only are they all commercially --

  Not only are they all commercially successful, but many of them push our culture forward by giving the underrepresented members of society their first prime-time voice. You have seven shows in the top 10 at one time. At one point, you aggregate an audience of 120 million people per week watching your content. That's more than the audience for Super Bowl 50, which happens once a year.

  NL: Holy shit.

  EH: And we're not even to the holy shit part.

  You land yourself on Richard Nixon's enemies list -- he had one.

  That's an applause line, too.

  You're inducted into the TV Hall of Fame on the first day that it exists. Then came the movies. "Fried Green Tomatoes," "The Princess Bride," "Stand By Me," "This Is Spinal Tap."

  Again, just to name a fraction.

  Then you wipe the slate clean, start a third act as a political activist focusing on protecting the First Amendment and the separation of church and state. You start People For The American Way. You buy the Declaration of Independence and give it back to the people. You stay active in both entertainment and politics until the ripe old of age of 93, when you write a book and make a documentary about your life story. And after all that, they finally think you're ready for a TED Talk.

  NL: I love being here. And I love you for agreeing to do this.

  EH: Thank you for asking. It's my honor. So here's my first question. Was your mother proud of you?

  NL: My mother ... what a place to start. Let me put it this way -- when I came back from the war, she showed me the letters that I had written her from overseas, and they were absolute love letters.

  This really sums up my mother. They were love letters, as if I had written them to -- they were love letters. A year later I asked my mother if I could have them, because I'd like to keep them all the years of my life ... She had thrown them away.

  That's my mother.

  The best way I can sum it up in more recent times is -- this is also more recent times -- a number of years ago, when they started the Hall of Fame to which you referred. It was a Sunday morning, when I got a call from the fellow who ran the TV Academy of Arts & Sciences. He was calling me to tell me they had met all day yesterday and he was confidentially telling me they were going to start a hall of fame and these were the inductees. I started to say "Richard Nixon," because Richard Nixon --

  EH: I don't think he was on their list.

  NL: William Paley, who started CBS, David Sarnoff, who started NBC, Edward R. Murrow, the greatest of the foreign correspondents, Paddy Chayefsky -- I think the best writer that ever came out of television -- Milton Berle, Lucille Ball and me.

  EH: Not bad.

  NL: I call my mother immediately in Hartford, Connecticut. "Mom, this is what's happened, they're starting a hall of fame."

  I tell her the list of names and me, and she says, "Listen, if that's what they want to do, who am I to say?"

  That's my Ma. I think it earns that kind of a laugh because everybody has a piece of that mother.

  EH: And the sitcom Jewish mother is born, right there.

  So your father also played a large role in your life, mostly by his absence.

  NL: Yeah.

  EH: Tell us what happened when you were nine years old.

  NL: He was flying to Oklahoma with three guys that my mother said, "I don't want you to have anything to do with them, I don't trust those men." That's when I heard, maybe not for the first time, "Stifle yourself, Jeanette, I'm going." And he went. It turns out he was picking up some fake bonds, which he was flying across the country to sell. But the fact that he was going to Oklahoma in a plane, and he was going to bring me back a 10-gallon hat, just like Ken Maynard, my favorite cowboy wore. You know, this was a few years after Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic. I mean, it was exotic that my father was going there. But when he came back, they arrested him as he got off the plane.

  That night newspapers were all over the house, my father was with his hat in front of his face, manacled to a detective. And my mother was selling the furniture, because we were leaving -- she didn't want to stay in that state of shame, in Chelsea, Massachusetts. And selling the furniture -- the house was loaded with people.

  And in the middle of all of that, some strange horse's ass put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Well, you're the man of the house now." I'm crying, and this asshole says, "You're the man of the house now." And I think that was the moment I began to understand the foolishness of the human condition. So ... it took a lot of years to look back at it and feel it was a benefit. But --

  EH: It's interesting you call it a benefit.

  NL: Benefit in that it gave me that springboard. I mean that I could think how foolish it was to say to this crying nine-year-old boy, "You're the man of the house now." And then I was crying, and then he said, "And men of the house don't cry." And I ...

  So ... I look back, and I think that's when I learned the foolishness of the human condition, and it's been that gift that I've used.

  EH: So you have a father who's absent, you have a mother for whom apparently nothing is good enough. Do you think that starting out as a kid who maybe never felt heard started you down a journey that ended with you being an adult with a weekly audience of 120 million people?

  NL: I love the way you put that question, because I guess I've spent my life wanting -- if anything, wanting to be heard. I think -- It's a simple answer, yes, that was what sparked -- well, there were other things, too. When my father was away, I was fooling with a crystal radio set that we had made together, and I caught a signal that turned out to be Father Coughlin.

  Yeah, somebody laughed.

  But not funny, this was a horse's -- another horse's ass -- who was very vocal about hating the New Deal and Roosevelt and Jews. The first time I ran into an understanding that there were people in this world that hated me because I was born to Jewish parents. And that had an enormous effect on my life.

  EH: So you had a childhood with little in the way of strong male role models, except for your grandfather. Tell us about him.

  NL: Oh, my grandfather. Well here's the way I always talked about that grandfather. There were parades, lots of parades when I was a kid. There were parades on Veteran's Day -- there wasn't a President's Day. There was Abraham Lincoln's birthday, George Washington's birthday and Flag Day ... And lots of little parades. My grandfather used to take me and we'd stand on the street corner, he'd hold my hand, and I'd look up and I'd see a tear running down his eye. And he meant a great deal to me.

  And he used to write presidents of the United States. Every letter started, "My dearest, darling Mr. President," and he'd tell him something wonderful about what he did. But when he disagreed with the President, he also wrote, "My dearest, darling Mr. President, Didn't I tell you last week ...?"

  And I would run down the stairs every now and then and pick up the mail. We were three flights up, 74 York Street, New Haven, Connecticut. And I'd pick up a little white envelope reading, "Shya C. called at this address." And that's the story I have told about my grandfather --

  EH: They wrote him back on the envelopes --

  NL: They wrote back. But I have shown them myself, going way back to Phil Donahue and others before him, literally dozens of interviews in which I told that story. This will be the second time I have said the whole story was a lie. The truth was my grandfather took me to parades, we had lots of those. The truth is a tear came down his eye.

  The truth is he would write an occasional letter, and I did pick up those little envelopes. But "My dearest darling Mr. President," all the rest of it, is a story I borrowed from a good friend whose grandfather was that grandfather who wrote those letters. And, I mean, I stole Arthur Marshall's grandfather and made him my own. Always.

  When I started to write my memoir -- "Even this --" How about that? "Even This I Get to Experience." When I started to write the memoir and I started to think about it, and then I -- I -- I did a reasonable amount of crying, and I realized how much I needed the father. So much so that I appropriated Arthur Marshall's grandfather. So much so, the word "father" -- I have six kids by the way. My favorite role in life. It and husband to my wife Lyn. But I stole the man's identity because I needed the father.

  Now I've gone through a whole lot of shit and come out on the other side, and I forgive my father -- the best thing I -- the worst thing I -- The word I'd like to use about him and think about him is -- he was a rascal. The fact that he lied and stole and cheated and went to prison ... I submerge that in the word "rascal."

  EH: Well there's a saying that amateurs borrow and professionals steal.

  NL: I'm a pro.

  EH: You're a pro.

  And that quote is widely attributed to John Lennon, but it turns out he stole it from T.S. Eliot. So you're in good company.

  EH: I want to talk about your work. Obviously the impact of your work has been written about and I'm sure you've heard about it all your life: what it meant to people, what it meant to our culture, you heard the applause when I just named the names of the shows, you raised half the people in the room through your work. But have there ever been any stories about the impact of your work that surprised you?

  NL: Oh, god -- surprised me and delighted me from head to toe. There was "An Evening with Norman Lear" within the last year that a group of hip-hop impresarios, performers and the Academy put together. The subtext of "An Evening with ..." was: What do a 92-year-old Jew -- then 92 -- and the world of hip-hop have in common? Russell Simmons was among seven on the stage. And when he talked about the shows, he wasn't talking about the Hollywood, George Jefferson in "The Jeffersons," or the show that was a number five show. He was talking about a simple thing that made a big --

  EH: Impact on him?

  NL: An impact on him -- I was hesitating over the word, "change." It's hard for me to imagine, you know, changing somebody's life, but that's the way he put it. He saw George Jefferson write a check on "The Jeffersons," and he never knew that a black man could write a check. And he says it just impacted his life so -- it changed his life.

  And when I hear things like that -- little things -- because I know that there isn't anybody in this audience that wasn't likely responsible today for some little thing they did for somebody, whether it's as little as a smile or an unexpected "Hello," that's how little this thing was. It could have been the dresser of the set who put the checkbook on the thing, and George had nothing to do while he was speaking, so he wrote it, I don't know. But --

  EH: So in addition to the long list I shared in the beginning, I should have also mentioned that you invented hip-hop.

  NL: Well ...

  EH: I want to talk about --

  NL: Well, then do it.

  EH: You've lead a life of accomplishment, but you've also built a life of meaning. And all of us strive to do both of those things -- not all of us manage to. But even those of us who do manage to accomplish both of those, very rarely do we figure out how to do them together. You managed to push culture forward through your art while also achieving world-beating commercial success. How did you do both?

  NL: Here's where my mind goes when I hear that recitation of all I accomplished. This planet is one of a billion, they tell us, in a universe of which there are billions -- billions of universes, billions of planets ... which we're trying to save and it requires saving. But ... anything I may have accomplished is -- my sister once asked me what she does about something that was going on in Newington, Connecticut. And I said, "Write your alderman or your mayor or something." She said, "Well I'm not Norman Lear, I'm Claire Lear." And that was the first time I said what I'm saying, I said, "Claire. With everything you think about what I may have done and everything you've done," -- she never left Newington -- "can you get your fingers close enough when you consider the size of the planet and so forth, to measure anything I may have done to anything you may have done?"

  So ... I am convinced we're all responsible for doing as much as I may have accomplished. And I understand what you're saying --

  EH: It's an articulate deflection --

  NL: But you have to really buy into the size and scope of the creator's enterprise, here.

  EH: But here on this planet you have really mattered.

  NL: I'm a son of a gun.

  EH: So I have one more question for you. How old do you feel?

  NL: I am the peer of whoever I'm talking to.

  EH: Well, I feel 93.

  NL: We out of here?

  EH: Well, I feel 93 years old, but I hope to one day feel as young as the person I'm sitting across from.

  Ladies and gentlemen, the incomparable Norman Lear.

  艾瑞克·利德尔: 我想大家都很熟悉诺曼了,不需要太多的介绍, 但是TED的观众来自全球, 是个多元的群体, 所以我被要求从介绍他的生平开始, 这轻易就能用完整个18分钟。 所以我们决定用93秒或更少的时间 来介绍诺曼的这93年。






  你生于纽黑文,康涅狄格州。 你的父亲是个行骗者——这次我对了。 在你九岁的时候他被带走去了监狱。 在二战中你是一位飞行员 执行了52次任务。 你回到——


  艾瑞克:你来到洛杉矶闯入了好莱坞, 首先当宣传,接着是在电视领域。 你是一位没有接受过 正式训练的作家, 但你闯出了你的路。 你的突破,你的首秀, 是一部电视剧《全家福》。 紧接着你拍了一系列 至今都在好莱坞无与伦比的电视剧: 《桑福德和儿子》,《Maude》,《好时光》, 《杰佛逊一家》,《随遇而安》, 《玛丽·哈特曼》, 这里只提到了一部分。 这些电视剧不仅在商业上——

  它们不仅都获得了商业上的成功, 其中很多电视剧也 推动了文化的发展, 让社会中代表性不足的群体 首次在黄金时段发声。 你曾有七部电视剧同时在收视率前十。 你一度吸引了 一亿两千万的的观众 每周观看你的电视剧。 这甚至超过了每年一度的超级杯 在20xx年的观众数。


  艾瑞克:我们甚至还没有说到 令人惊叹的哇靠部分。

  你使自己成为理查德·尼克松 名单上的敌人—— 他有这么一份。


  你在名单曝光第一天 就被列入了电视名人堂。 接下来说说电影。 《油炸绿蕃茄》, 《公主新娘》,《伴我同行》, 《摇滚万岁》。


  然后你开创了"三幕剧架构" 横扫了电影界, 从政时致力于保护第一修正案, 坚持政教分离。 你建立了美国之道团体。 你买下了独立宣言, 然后把它归还给人民。 你到93岁高龄 都还一直活跃在娱乐界和政界, 然后你开始写书, 并且制作了一部关于你人生的纪录片。 经过了所有这些, 他们终于觉得你准备好 做一个TED演讲了。

  诺曼:很高兴来到这里。 也很高兴你同意做这个访谈。

  艾瑞克:谢谢你的邀请。我的荣幸。 然后这是我的第一个问题。 你的妈妈为你感到骄傲吗?

  诺曼:我的妈妈…… 从这里开始啊。 让我这样说吧—— 当我从战场上回来, 她给我看了我从海外寄给她的信, 这些绝对都是情书。

  这确实概括形容了我妈妈。 那些情书, 仿佛我把它们写成那样一般—— 它们就是情书。 一年后我问妈妈, 我是否能拥有它们, 因为我想保存它们一生…… 她已经扔掉了。


  近期,我能总结的最好方式—— 这也是最近的事—— 几年前, 当他们开始筹备 你刚刚提到的名人堂的时候。 那是一个周日的早晨, 我接到了一个管理电视艺术 及科学学院朋友的电话。 他打电话告诉我说, 他们昨天谈了一整天, 他跟我说,告诉你一个秘密, 我们将要成立一个名人堂, 然后他告诉我入选者都有谁。 我开头就说“理查德·尼克松”, 因为理查德·尼克松——


  诺曼:CBS之父威廉·佩利, 创立NBC的大卫·沙诺夫, 爱德华·默罗, 最伟大的驻外记者, 帕迪·查耶夫斯基—— 我认为是电视界最好的编剧—— 米尔顿·伯利,露西·鲍尔, 还有我。


  诺曼:我立刻打电话给 在哈特福德,康涅狄格州的妈妈。 “妈妈,你知道吗, 他们要成立一个名人堂。“

  我告诉她那些入选者的名字,还有我, 然后她说, ”听着,如果他们要这么做, 我还能说什么?“

  这就是我妈妈。 我觉得能这么好笑的原因是, 因为每个人的妈妈都有这样的一面。

  艾瑞克:情景喜剧中的 犹太人妈妈就这样诞生了。

  你的父亲在你的人生中 也扮演了重要的角色, 大部分是因为他的缺席。



  诺曼:他当时要与三个人 一同飞去俄克拉何马州, 我妈妈说, ”我不想你和那三个人有任何关系, 我不相信他们。” 那时候我听到他说, “别说了,珍妮特。我要去。” 这大概不是我第一次听到了。 然后他去了。 结果他拿到了一些假债券, 飞到全国各地做销售。 但是他坐飞机去俄克拉何马州, 他要给我带回一个“十加仑“大檐帽, 就像我最喜欢的牛仔 肯· 梅德纳戴的那样—— 你知道这是在很多年前 林德伯格穿越大西洋之后。 我的意思是我爸爸 那时候去那儿很奇怪。 但是当他回来的时候, 他一下飞机就被逮捕了。

  那一晚,屋里到处都是报纸, 我爸爸戴的帽子遮着他的脸, 他被刑警铐上手铐。 我妈妈开始卖家具, 因为我们要离开—— 她不想待在切尔西,马萨诸塞州 生活在耻辱中。 她在卖家具的时候—— 屋里全都是人。

  在这些人当中, 有一个奇怪的蠢货 把手放到我的肩膀上,说: ”嗯,现在你是家中的男人了。“ 我正在哭,而这个混蛋说, ”现在你是这个家里的男人了。“ 我想我就是从那时起 开始理解到人性的愚蠢。 然后…… 我花了很多年重新审视它 并感觉到它的益处。 但是——


  诺曼:益处在于它给了我一个出发点。 我的意思是我可以认为 对一个在哭泣的九岁男孩说 ”现在你是这个家里的男人了。“ 这样的行为很愚蠢。 然后我还在哭,然后他说: ”一家之主是不能流泪的。“ 然后我……

  所以…… 我回顾,然后我想 那个时候,我了解到了人性的愚蠢, 之后我一直受益于这个礼物。

  艾瑞克:所以你有一个缺席的父亲, 你有一个认为什么都不够好的母亲。 你觉不觉得,从一个感到 从未被倾听的孩子开始, 一路走來, 这段旅程使你最后成为一个 一周拥有一亿两千万收视观众的人?

  诺曼:我喜欢你问这个问题的方式, 因为我猜,我已经花了一生的时间想—— 是否有什么是需要被倾听的。 我想—— 这是个简单的答案,是, 就是这个激励了我—— 嗯,也有别的。 我爸爸不在的时候, 我摆弄着一个我们之前 一起做的矿石收音机, 我捕捉到一个信号结果是神父柯林。


  但是这并不好笑, 这是一个蠢—— 另一个蠢货—— 他激烈地表达对新政, 对罗斯福,和对犹太人的厌恶。 那是我第一次意识到 这个世界上有人讨厌我 就因为我父母是犹太人。 这对我的人生产生了巨大的影响。

  艾瑞克:你的童年 缺少强大的男性榜样, 除了你的爷爷。 跟我们说说他。

  诺曼:哦,我的爷爷。 嗯,我总是这样谈论我的爷爷。 我还是个孩子的时候 有游行,很多游行。 老兵节有游行—— 不过总统日没有。 亚伯拉罕·林肯的生日有, 乔治·华盛顿的生日有, 还有国旗日…… 也有很多小游行。 我爷爷以前会带我去, 我们会站在街角, 他拉着我的手, 我抬头会看到他流眼泪。 他对我来说意味着很多。

  他以前会给美国总统写信。 每封信都这样开始, ”我最最亲爱的总统先生,“ 然后告诉他一些他做的了不起的事。 但是当他不同意 总统的决定时,他也写信。 ”我最最亲爱的总统先生, 上星期我是不是跟你说过……?”

  我经常往楼下跑, 去拿信件。 我们当时住在 康涅狄格州纽黑文约克街的74号, 要上三段楼梯。 我会拿到一个小信封,上面写着 “住在这里的Shya C.”。 这就是我讲述过的 关于我爷爷的故事。


  诺曼:他们回信了。 但我已经向他们坦白, 从多年前的菲尔多纳休 还有在他之前的其他人, 几乎每次的访谈中, 我都有提到那个故事, 这将是我第二次说 这个故事是个谎言。 真相是我爷爷带我去游行, 我们去过很多次。 真相是他流泪了。

  真相是他偶尔会写一封信, 而我的确拿到了那些小信封。 但是“我最最亲爱的总统先生”, 和剩下的所有 都是一个我从好朋友那儿借鉴的故事, 他的爷爷才是那个写了那些信的爷爷。 我是说,我偷了 阿瑟·马歇尔的爷爷, 把他变成了我自己的。 一直都是这样。

  当我开始写我的回忆录时—— 《甚至这些——》 你怎么看这件事? <<甚至这些我都曾经历过>> 当我开始写回忆录时, 我开始思考, 然后我—— 我—— 我真情流露地哭了, 然后我意识到我是多么地需要“父亲”。 这么需要以至于我借用了 阿瑟·马歇尔的爷爷。 这么需要“爸爸”—— 顺便一提,我有六个孩子, “爸爸”是我生活中 最喜欢的角色, 还有身为我妻子,林, 的丈夫这个角色。 但是我偷用了那个人的身份 因为我需要一个“爸爸“。

  我经历了那么多悲惨的事, 结果我站到了另一边, 我原谅了我的爸爸—— 最好的事情—— 最坏的事情—— 我想起他,形容他 想要用的词是—— 他是一个混蛋。 他说谎,偷窃,欺骗, 然后进了监狱…… 我让这些都沉浸在 “混蛋”这个词中。




  人们普遍认为这句话出自约翰·列侬, 但其实他是从艾略特那偷来的。 所以你有好同伴了。

  艾瑞克:我想谈谈你的成就。 显然你的成就所带来的影响 已经被评论过, 我相信你已经听过很多: 它对人们意味着什么, 它对我们的文化意味着什么, 当我刚才列举那些电视剧电影的时候 你听到了掌声, 你使这里半数的人起身致敬你的成就。 有没有过什么关于你成就影响的故事 使你感到惊讶呢?

  诺曼:哦,上帝—— 使我整个人都感到惊讶和欣喜。 去年有一个<<和诺曼·李尔的夜晚>> 的谈话节目, 把一群嘻哈经理人, 舞者和电视学会聚在一起。 “和……的夜晚”的潜台词是: 一个92岁的犹太人—— 已经92岁了—— 和嘻哈界有什么共同点? 拉塞尔·西蒙斯是台上的七人之一。 当他谈到那些电视剧时, 他不是在谈论好莱坞 《杰佛逊一家》中的乔治·杰佛逊 或是这个当时排名第五的电视剧。 他在谈论的是,一件简单的事情 产生了巨大的——


  诺曼:对他的影响—— 我在犹豫用“改变”这个词。 我很难想象, 你知道,改变某人的人生, 但是他是这么说的。 他看到乔治·杰佛逊 在《杰佛逊一家》中开了一张支票, 而他从不知道一个黑人可以写支票。 他说,这影响了他的人生—— 这改变了他的人生。

  而当我听到这样的事情时—— 这些微不足道的小事—— 因为我知道这里的观众没有人 会在意他们为别人做过的小事。 不管它小到是一个微笑 还是一个意想不到的“你好”, 那件事就是这么小。 有可能是梳妆者 把支票簿放在了那上面, 而乔治在说话的时候 无事可做便写了支票, 我不知道, 但是——

  艾瑞克:所以除了我在一开始 提到的那些成就, 我也应该提及说是你创造了嘻哈。




  艾瑞克:你走过了充满成就的一生, 但同时你也造就了充满意义的一生。 我们所有人都在努力达成这两件事—— 不是所有人都能成功。 但即使是那些 成功达成这两件事的人, 也极少能弄明白 如何同时达成它们。 你成功用艺术推动了文化的前行, 同时也取得了了惊人的商业成就。 你是如何同时做到的?

  诺曼:这是我在听到 我所有的成就时想到的。 这里是无数行星中的一颗, 他们告诉我们, 在这个宇宙中有几十亿—— 几十亿个宇宙, 几十亿颗行星…… 我们在试图保护, 它也需要我们的保护。 但是…… 我的任何成就—— 我姐姐曾问我,对于 在纽因顿,康涅狄格州发生的事情, 她做了些什么。 我说:“写信给市议员或者 市长或者别的什么。” 她说:“额,我不是诺曼·李尔, 我是克莱尔·李尔。” 然后那是我第一次说到 我现正在谈的这些东西, 我说:“克莱尔,你认为我做过的所有事 和你做过的所有事,”—— 她从未离开过纽因顿—— “当你考虑到地球宇宙等等这些大小的时候, 你即使把手指努力并拢,那缝隙也不足以 衡量我做过的或者是你做过的事吗。“

  所以…… 我相信我们都能 做到我也许达成了的。 我理解你说的是什么——


  诺曼:但是你必须考虑到造物主造就的 空间和大小,在这里。

  艾瑞克:但是在这里在地球上, 你真的很重要。


  艾瑞克:我还有一个问题。 你觉得自己几岁了?




  艾瑞克:嗯,我觉得我93岁了, 但是我希望有一天,我也能感觉 和坐在我对面的这个人一样年轻。

  女士们先生们, 致敬伟大的诺曼·李尔。



祝福语 演讲稿 自我介绍 主持词 欢迎词 导游词 贺词 发言稿 口号 广播稿 答谢词 演讲稿格式竞聘演讲稿竞选班长演讲稿师德师风演讲稿演讲稿大全英语演讲稿演讲稿怎么写演讲稿作文祖国在我心中演讲稿爱岗敬业演讲稿演讲稿范文我的梦想演讲稿班长竞选演讲稿我有一个梦想演讲稿英文演讲稿竞选演讲稿自我介绍演讲稿开学演讲稿励志演讲稿爱国演讲稿教师演讲稿三分钟演讲稿师德演讲稿安全演讲稿