
发布时间:2020-03-17 来源:演讲稿

  下面是范文大全小编为大家整理的比尔盖茨演讲 慈善无关钱多少,希望大家能够从中有所收获!


  比尔盖茨演讲 慈善无关钱多少

  This morning, Microsoft man and the second richest man in the world, Bill Gates, gave a speech at Peking University in Beijing to reach out to students about the important of charity.

  It’s no surprise that Bill Gates would choose such a high calibre educational institution to give a speech about giving. Peking University, amongst Tsinghua and Fudan University rank in the top three schools in China, thereby often producing the most successful and powerful people in China’s future. Bill Gates is also a trustee of Peking University.

  Since leaving the helm of Microsoft, Bill Gates has devoted himself to the role of Chairman of the Gates Foundation. The foundation’s belief is that “all lives have equal value” and seeks to help people live healthy and productive lives and lift themselves out of poverty. The foundation has already funded initiatives totalling US$24.8 billion from 1994.

  In his speech, Gates encouraged students to start thinking about charity and giving early. Gates believes that the young generation play a pivotal role in making the world a better place by leading social trends. He also talked about the importance of innovation, noting breakthrough may take a long time but it is what is needed to “promote the development of mankind.”


祝福语 演讲稿 自我介绍 主持词 欢迎词 导游词 贺词 发言稿 口号 广播稿 答谢词 演讲稿格式竞聘演讲稿竞选班长演讲稿师德师风演讲稿演讲稿大全英语演讲稿演讲稿怎么写演讲稿作文祖国在我心中演讲稿爱岗敬业演讲稿演讲稿范文我的梦想演讲稿班长竞选演讲稿我有一个梦想演讲稿英文演讲稿竞选演讲稿自我介绍演讲稿开学演讲稿励志演讲稿爱国演讲稿教师演讲稿三分钟演讲稿师德演讲稿安全演讲稿