英语演讲稿3分钟:The Good Mother in the World

发布时间:2016-12-02 来源:演讲稿

英语演讲稿3分钟:The Good Mother in the World

  when we are very small, most of us have heard the song about the praise of the mother, we have been told that mother is the best people in the world. indeed, our mothers are the persons who give birth to us, who will never abandon us whatever happens upon us. sometimes we will argue with our mothers, because we think she doesn’t understand us, but after a little while, we always regret for the argument. actually, she knows her babies, she just cares too much that she doesn’t expect that it will hurt her babies. as kids, we should understand our mothers, too, it is our duty to take care of her, when we are young, mothers take care our us, when they are old, it is our turn to take care of her. it is love that makes the world beautiful, let’s show our love to mothers.



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