发布时间:2017-01-19 来源:简历模板

(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx
(+86-10) 13xxxxxxxxx
Improving the quality of life and well being of others is my passion and my pursuit
With a fresh MSW and experience through volunteer work and internships, I'm well prepared for a career in social work where counseling, caregiving, mediating, coordinating and assisting people to help solve problems is required
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Master of Social Work
September, 2014
The University of Cincinnati
Columbus, OH
Bachelor of Social Work
May, 2012
Full scholarship to Ohio State University. Earned 80% of undergraduate tuition costs while working part time.
Cincinnati, OH
Summer, 2013
Supported the childcare function for families in need of daycare assistance.
Identified caretakers and matched them with families. Successfully coordinated over 75 placements for the summer program.
Ohio State University Omega Residence Hall
Cincinnati, OH
1/2011 - 12/2012
Guided new residents on rules and procedures and responded to questions.
Became a mediator and helped resolve grievances and responded to complaints.
Helping Hand Mission
Dublin, OH
12/2010 - 4/2011
Assessed needs of homeless families and worked with volunteers and missionaries to identify temporary housing.
Held fundraiser and raised over $3400 in donations, recognized as the best fundraiser in local office history.
Organized educational programs on conducting a job search and helped 18 people identify new employment at a local factory.
Private Tutor
Cincinnati, OH
2010 - Present
Provides volunteer tutoring to local high school students in a variety of subjects to include English and Math.
These students consistently outperform their classmates and are all college bound.
Received the "MyFaveTutor" award from Wright Brothers High School in 2008.
Juvenile Delinquency
Social Welfare Policy
Children and Family Services
Legal Aspects of Social Welfare
Information Technology and the Human Services
Diversity in the Workplace
Certificate of Appreciation for Community Service Cincinnati Rotary Club, 2013.
District Service Specialist of the Year, 2012 (statewide award; selected from over 75 candidates).
Recognized by the Columbus Department of Juvenile Services for providing pro-bono counseling and tutoring services to delinquent youth.
Readers Choice Award, Home and Hearth Magazine, Short Story Competition, 2010.