Love and Appreciation-英文情书-爱与感激

发布时间:2016-11-25 来源:情书

to: myself ~ from: nadine

Love and Appreciation-英文情书-爱与感激

dear nadine,

you have overcome many obstacles within your life which have made you the wonderful person you are today. you should be very proud that you have persevered all your experiences and with it you have lived, acknowledged, and learned and you have never intentionally done on to others as it has been done unto you for you know what it feels like and you have the strength to rise above it all. you are attractive, generous, honest, humorous, intelligent, kind, loveable, loving, passionate and a wonderful mother. the person who will obtain the key within your heart in the future will be blessed to have the love in which you are cable of giving to someone. may god bless you and always give you the strength for you to continue to grow and love.

love always,



上一篇:No Holding Back
下一篇:My Marshmallow Man


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