My Marshmallow Man

发布时间:2016-11-25 来源:情书

My Marshmallow Man


to: julian ~ from: tamara

my dearest, julian,

how i wish i could undo all that has happened. i want nothing more than to love you, to make you happy. i wish there were words to describe how much in love with you i am, but words cannot come close to expressing how i feel.

i have been calling you my marshmallow man because you have the softest, sweetest heart i have ever known. i'm not letting you go! i would be the biggest fool ever should i do that. you have spoiled me, made me feel so special with your love. more than that, you have made me whole. without you, i am incomplete; there is a great void in me. i dare not imagine life without you for the mere thought terrifies me.

you are my world, my life and my love ... always. you didn't just steal my heart; you are my heart, my soul, my everything.

there have been so many mistakes made, so many wrongs that cannot be undone. oh, how i wish i had a magic wand and could take away all the pain i have caused you. let me make it right. let me show you how much you mean to me. please, give me a chance.

i love you so much. i can't lose you. i won't give up on us. i love you more than i can possible tell you, let me show you. i promise i will love you like you ought to be loved ... forever.

love always,



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